The Difference between Success and Excellence
Focused on success Focused on excellence
The result The performance
Failure is not an option Failure is a teacher
The destination The journey
Winning Fulfilling potential
Can’t stand to be beaten Can’t stand to be outworked
Opponents are a threat Opponents make me better
Power over others Power over myself
The end justifies the means There’s a right way and a wrong way
Building reputation Building character
So be wary of people or products that focus on outcome (“instant weight loss”) over process (“this can help you in your work of getting to a healthy weight”).
Focus on the journey rather than the destination. There are no elevators to the top of the mountain you are climbing. Put excellence before success and you will get there.
Get to the top of that mountain in 2018. Let Gumptionade – The Booster for Your Self Improvement Plan help you get there.